CPL & TAYLOR can help you find a new job in line with your skills and expectations.
Upload your CV and check out our latest jobs. Our recruiters will get in touch if your profile is in line with an opening. If you don’t hear back from us your CV will be added to our data base for future reference. Without consent your CV and your personal data won’t be shared.
Latest Jobs
Rif. AB-53AA
Rif. RM-29CB9
Rif. AF-6B7
The job openings on our website are authorized by our clients. All openings foresee employment contracts directly issued by our clients: we do not provide temporary employment.
We encourage you to send your CV, even if the offer has expired, so we can consider you for future opportunities.
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Found a job you like? Send your application to candidati@cpltaylor.it making sure to write the job code and role. Alternatively you can apply through our website.
Tips for writing a CV
- Personalize your CV and Cover Letter.
- No more than two pages. Three for senior profiles. If you need to add extra information or documents put them in an appendix or presentation letter.
- When talking about your work experience, start from the most recent job and not from the first. Specify each company’s field and briefly describe your role.
- Talk about your professional goals before your professional history.
- If you would like to add a photo make sure it is appropriate to the context and of good quality.
- Your contact details must be clear and easy to find
- If you are open to relocation make sure this information is on your CV.
- Make your application stand out by uploading your Video CV using CV Live.